Four of six women standing atop this year’s Denver Colfax Marathon and Half Marathon podiums had kids on their hip or in tow.
A qualifier for the prestigious Boston Marathon, Denver’s historic Colfax Marathon, which includes a half-marathon, a 10-miler, and a 5K, draws 20,000 runners from around the nation. Racers are treated to a tour of the city and are challenged to sustain a race pace at 1 mile above sea level.
Women stole the show this year, with moms taking over a majority of the marquee events’ podium spots. New Mexico distance runner Malika Camacho won the half-marathon, and Denver’s Julie Olsen-Smith took second in the full 26.2-mile road race at 3:08:53. Both winners are 36-year-old mothers of two.
And Olsen-Smith trailed only 25-year-old Emily Van Meter’s searing 6:44-per-mile pace.